Sunday, February 3, 2008

New Kids on the Block

Can it be? Is it True? Yes it is true the New Kids on the Block are getting back together!!!!! I was one of the biggest NKOTB fans back in the day. Jordan, Joey, Jon, Donnie, and Danny (in order of likeness). My room was decorated with all New Kids stuff-posters strategically placed on the wall, the pillow with Jordan Knight, the pins on my denim jacket, the dolls, the cartoons, you name it I had it. I even had a pair of jeans air-brushed just for the New Kids. When I was in 7th grade my sister, one of my best-friends Kimmy, and I went to their concert. I still remember it to this day. A few months after Jer and I got married my sister was listening to the radio and they announced that Jordan Knight was going to be at the Belly Up in Solana Beach, and the 10th caller could win two tickets. My sister actually won those tickets. So her and I went down to see his concert. It was so awesome. I still after all those years got butterflies in my stomach. I am so excited that they are a back to start "Hangin Tough". I know I am total dork but I will always be a New Kids Fan Forever!!!


Heidi Joe said...

Hey girl...
I always read your blog but forget to comment...
So stoked about the NKOTB reunion, too! Gotta bust out the ripped up airbrushed jeans! WOOT.


Brigette said...

Silly girl! Are they really getting back together? What do you think thier songs will be about now that they are oler and wiser and older. Love you!