Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So my new favorite TV Show is Jericho!!! I remember seeing previews for the show back in 2006, and I actually thought I really like Skeet Ulrich I should watch that show. I never watched one episode probably because I got into a reaity tv show that was on at the same time(what a do-do!). Jer's grandparents did watch and they bought the first season, which they let us borrow about two weeks ago. I have never been so addicted to a show in my life. The show was cancelled but with the efforts of a huge fan base NUTS!!! the show has been brought back for 7 more episodes, with the hopes of a 3rd season (cross of fingers).

The premise of the show is the aftermath of a nuclear explosion with Jericho being the town that has somehow survived but has not contact with the outside. Skeet Ulrich plays Jake Green who has returned to Jericho (his hometown) right before the explosion and in turn becomes the hero.

We have watched all of the first season, and on February 12th the 7 episodes began basically now rebuilding Jericho and learning about the "new government". The storyline and the actors are fantastic. I am a die-hard fan and will do anything to keep the show on the air. My goal in life is to get as many people to watch this show. It is the kind of show that is thought provoking, riveting, keeps you on the edge of your seat. Go out and buy Season 1, rent Season 1, download episodes from iTunes, or just watch the show Tuesdays at 10:00pm. You will not be sorry.


Amber said...

Who the freak is akinogal? I am going to watch an episode now. Are you happy? Love and miss you more than you know. Come visit me PLEASE!!!!!