Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jer's New Toy

Anyone who knows my hubby knows that he is pretty mcuh always working. In fact I never really get to see him that much, but I am not complaining because Jer works hard so that we can have a better and less stressful life, which I appreciate very much. Latley he has been feeling like he has nothing in his life that is fun, basically a hobby. He has mentioned a few times in the past that he sometimes wishes having a dirt bike. So we went and started to look, oh did I say look no I meant to BUY! We have a friend that works at NCY and Jer and I stopped by to see him and see what they had in stock. Jer was taken upstairs where he was shown a used bike that he had to have, and by that I mean he put it on hold and then went and picked it up the next day. Here are some of the pictures from when he brought the bike home. He can be such a kid about things somtimes.