Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Last Episode Tonight!

I am sitting on my couch trying to get myself prepared to watch the last episode of the greatest Television show ever, JERICHO! I am saddened that CBS has decided to cancel the show for the 2nd time. I have enjoyed getting to know the characters and the story line. I will however not give up the hope that another network would pick up the show for a 3rd season. I want to thank everyone who has listened to me rant and rave about this show, and how much I love it including Skeet Ulrich. For those of you that took my advice and watched the show I new that you would all love it and it would come to be your favorite show. Goodbye to Jake Green, Robert Hawkins, Eric Green, Stanley & Bonnie (RIP) Richmond, Mimi, Heather, Emily, Mary Bailey & Bailey's Tavern, Johnston & Gail Green, Darcy, Major Beck, Gray, The Rangers, Jennings and Rall, Cheyenne, The Allied States of America, and all the cast members and crew that took part in an amazing show.


Brigette said...

Wow, it must have been a really great show. I don't think I ever saw any commercials or anything. Now I am interested.

Heather McMullin said...

I just wanted to say Hi and tell you that your blog is super cute. It was fun to see you again at Amber's house. I think the last time I saw you was at her shower. I feel like I know you because Amber is always talking about you and tells me stories of how awesome you are. (Big sisters always are what can I say!!!) I love the pics of your family outing. Our blog is www.socalmcmullins.blogspot.com

PS Sorry to hear about Jericho!