Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Good Friends!
I often don't get the chance to tell my girlfriends how much they mean to me. Nicky, Brigette and I have been friends since we were in the 6th grade. While our lives sometimes feel like they are going in a million directions we always try to get together and just catch up even if it's only for a quick dinner. We have been there for each other for everything; weddings, babies, break-ups, greatest loves, moving away, and moving home, happy times, and the saddest. They are truly special to me and I hope they know how much they mean to me. Thanks ladies for a great afternoon at a great mexican restaurant!


Amber said...

That's such a cute picture. Where was it taken?

Wendy said...

how sweet. It's so nice to have friends you can keep forever. You can never have too many of those.

Wendy said...


We love your blog!
We are all addicted....let's get together soon!

jake & wendy

Amber said...

Go to Wendy's page and then to Jessica's page and click on the link to find a sexual preditor in your neighborhood. There is one right by mom's house. He lives on Sierra. Less than 2 seconds from her house. It's called Watch Dog or something like that. I'm scared.

Missie said...

I couldn't agree with you more! It was so good to see you at Brie's party. I've missed you lots. I tracked down this blogging thing, i'd been looking at doing it anyways. Your page is adorable. I can't wait to see Maui pics.

Love ya.